LuxaCrown is considered a generation-next material for provisionalization creating a new category called “long-term crowns”. According to the research these restorations are long-lasting. In addition, these can be made chairside and can be luted with permanent cement if you need to have a long-term provisional that until they can afford to do a permanent crown, or you can do reversible cement in case you’re doing interdisciplinary care.
According to CRA Newsletter, LuxaCrown is actually at the top of the new long-term crown category. In research done by University in North Carolina Department of Biomaterials, it is very durable in terms of color stability, fracture toughness and more optimized wear making it the perfect material for long-term provisionalization.
Case report
We found redecay around tooth #7 of an anterior bridge of a 70-year-old woman who had a very tight financial budget. It was critical to replace the bridge to save this abutment to avoid endodontic treatment or extraction to avoid expansion of her dental care to adjacent teeth. Upon atraumatic removal of the bridge, deep decay was evident at tooth #7 requiring MTA with two pins prior to rebuilding the abutment with LuxacoreZ, giving the tooth much greater strength and dentin like prepability. After creating an accurate PVS impression of the upper arch, temporization is started using a very accurate putty matrix to get optimal contours. It is critical to put the tip of the dispenser right into the shape of the matrix to avoid any voids that could weaken the provisional. The patient was very happy with her beautiful temporary. Because of the natural appearance in the front, she noticed that we could improve her right buccal corridor for future long-term care. Her permanent bridge will be made to ideal at the lab while patient is able to have the peace of mind to enjoy a perfectly fitting, very durable, and naturally contoured provisional that LuxaCrown is able to provide while she is spreading out her payments.
LuxaCrown is a huge step in creating in office reliable and durable esthetic long term provisionals. The longevity has opened the door to excellent long-term restorations to allow better interdisciplinary care; hard wearing full mouth bite openings, and the opportunity to help financially challenged patients to spread out payments until a permanent crown or bridge is affordable.