Now, you can offer patients a less-invasive solution to treat white spots in just one visit, with ICON!
Caries often start in the interproximal spaces between teeth, simply because they’re difficult for toothbrushes to reach. Once caries reach a certain stage, drilling is needed, and healthy tooth structure is destroyed in the process…
…But if interproximal caries are detected early, Icon Proximal enables treatment without drilling and without the unnecessary loss of healthy tooth structure!
As the perfect compliment to Icon, MiniDam is a latex-free gingival protection device that protects the proximal area during treatment – quickly, easily and most importantly, comfortably for the patient. Its innovative design ensures that the working area is kept relatively dry while protecting the gingiva from the materials that could cause harm, such as etching gel.
Place your order today (and start transforming smiles!). Offer valid on BOTH Icon Proximal and Icon Smooth Surface.